How time poor are we really?

My daughter, Bella Gillett has me reflecting on this question and reaching into my article treasure chest to find my musings on making every moment count (a more palatable way for me to think about time management).

What is time shifting? Our beliefs about the time available to us and how we use it. Time shifting involves making intentional choices about what you are doing or planning to do

Bella is twenty, studies law full time, works four days in a law firm (with a two hour round trip commute), is a personal trainer, works out 6 days a week and enjoys a fun-filled social life.

She is time shifting champion!

Time shifting becomes easier when you learn how to see time. Picturing time as a concrete or physical resource helps you to plan and make the most of every moment available. There is much that can be achieved when time is viewed in 15 minute blocks, you can

read a chapter of a book
roll out the yoga mat
return a phone call
reply to emails
do a high intensity workout
have a performance focused conversation with a team member.

For time shifting tips check out this article first published in the Victorian Law Journal.


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