
Working Savvy

Working Savvy creates workplaces where everyone works at their best.

We are specialists in bringing workplaces and people with disability together for sustainable employment success

Working Savvy are Occupational Therapy, Recovery Coach and Lived Experience workplace specialists.

We make working together easier for people with disability and business who value being an inclusive place of work.  

Jo Bassett

Occupational Therapist

Jo Bassett leads the Working Savvy team of Occupational Therapists, Recovery Coaches and Lived Experience Experts.

Jo is an Occupational Therapist and Leadership Coach who has used her qualifications and experience in diverse ways across community, government and the corporate sector. Over twenty years ago, she established the first employment agency in Brisbane providing specialist services to people experiencing mental health and psychosocial illness with a focus on work readiness, return to work and development in employment.           

Collectively the Working Savvy Team has a lifetime of experience working with people from diverse backgrounds and abilities to achieve important life and work goals.

Our team have been recognised for their contributions to creating a more inclusive and disability confident world with an Award for Public Service in the Disability Employment Sector, nominated for Australian of the Year and a Community Citizen of the Year Award for advocacy in mental health.     

Our approach

Working Savvy creates workplaces where everyone works at their best.

Recognised for our experience in working with people with mental health issues, including ADHD, Acquired Brain Injury, Eating Disorders and Neurodiversity, CTE and Menopause. We work with business and employers who understand the value in creating welcoming and inclusive workplaces where people with different abilities can work at their best. We know from experience, how the small adjustments to the way work is done creates productive and engaged workplaces where everyone benefits.

We assist by providing assessment, coaching, mentoring, individual and group support. 

Working Savvy provides services to people with NDIS self and care managed plans.

Our Services

  • Functional Workplace Assessments

    Functional Workplace Assessments focus on identifying a person’s physical, social, cognitive and emotional abilities; Completing a job task analysis and requirements: Evaluating the social, physical and cultural environment work that is undertaken; Making recommendations on role design, workplace and job adjustments.

  • Job Design and Customisation

    Ability and enablement focused successful job design delivers the best outcome for the workplace by customising duties and tasks and matching to a person’s skills and attributes. Incorporating assessment, analysis, role carving, job design, matching, evaluation and coaching.

  • Recovery Coaching at Work

    A specialist coaching service provided by coaches with a lived experience. Our coaches have completed professional development aligned with the Internal Coaching Federation’s definition of Coaching, Code of Ethics, and Core Competencies.

  • Personal Coaching

    Working together one on one to be your best at work. This is achieved through making small changes to your daily life, work habits and your mindset to produce the desired results in communication, decision-making, relationship -development, conflict resolution and development. Personal Coaching is for people who are preparing to return to work or wanting to develop in their jobs and careers.

  • Inclusion Mentoring for leaders

    Working with leaders and managers individually and in groups to build disability confidence and take on a consciously inclusion mindset. Inclusion mentoring is for business leaders ready to: Shine the spotlight into the places usually avoided; Question old assumptions and make new connections; Be challenged and experiment with new approaches; Let go of being the expert; Commit to action and be open to feedback.

  • Fit for work personal training

    Sustainable employment success is easier when mind and body is healthy. Working Savvy Personal Trainers and Occupational Therapists work together designing individualised programs matching functional capacity, abilities and work goals. Being fit for work makes workplaces safer, resilient, and more productive.

“Looking back over the past 12 months of coaching and support, I have come a long way. I am now comfortable with my prioritisation and decisions in meeting all the competing demands, and I am a more relaxed and confident person in all aspects of my life.”